

Physics/Astronomy 2023-02-02T10:18:39+00:00

Physics and Astronomy

Physics students in labPhysics encompasses the study of the universe from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles. The goal of physics is to understand how and why things work from first principles. Applications range from quantum computers to new radiotherapies for curing cancer to sustainable energy sources.

Physics is great preparation for almost any career because it teaches us how to analyze complex problems and equips us with strong quantitative reasoning skills that can be applied to any scientific or technical field. This is typically achieved through active learning in lecture- or discussion-based teaching combined with hands-on laboratory experience. The broad range of outcomes satisfies requirements for various majors in STEM, as well as developing or improving scientific literacy applicable to many industrial settings.

Learn More about Physics and Astronomy

Course Planning

Transfer Institutions

Faculty Profiles


Physics Club